the fox and the cat中文什么意思

发音:   用"the fox and the cat"造句
  • fox:    n. 1.狐;狐皮。 2.狡猾的人。 ...
  • cat:    n. 〔军俚〕履带式拖拉机,任何有履 ...
  • a cat and a fox:    天宁区浦前中心小学 王露娜 猫和狐狸
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The Fox and the Cat () are a pair of fictional characters who appear in Carlo Collodi's book The Adventures of Pinocchio (Le avventure di Pinocchio). Both are depicted as con-men, who lead Pinocchio astray and unsuccessfully attempt to murder him.


  1. the fowler and the viper 什么意思
  2. the fox 什么意思
  3. the fox and the bear 什么意思
  4. the fox and the billy-goat 什么意思
  5. the fox and the bramble 什么意思
  6. the fox and the cock 什么意思
  7. the fox and the crabs 什么意思
  8. the fox and the crane 什么意思
  9. the fox and the crow 什么意思
  10. the fox and the geese 什么意思


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